Former NFL QB-Turned-Activist Kaepernick in Ghana on July 4th: ‘To Find My Independence I Went Home.’


Former San Francisco 49ers back-up quarterback Colin Kaepernick seems to have some extra time on his hands these days, so he took a trip to his ancestral home of Ghana to ‘celebrate’ Independence Day.

Our good friends at The Gateway Pundit report:

Colin Kaepernick traveled to Ghana to trash the United States on the 4th of July.

The former NFL quarterback, who no one wants to pick up this year for some reason, tweeted out his disgust for America on Independence Day.

Kaepernick released this video Tuesday, July 4. As of our reporting, the post has over 30,000 retweets and 63,000 likes.

The middling quarterback made news last year when he refused to stand for the National Anthem, praised Marxist Fidel Castro, attacked police officers, and generally trashed America.



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